Friday, May 13, 2011

Commentary on my Classmate's blog...

Commentary on my classmate’s blog.
What is it all coming to? By Heather

I agree with Heather on her view on education.  I have also seen what the effects are on children and standardized testing.  My son is in the fourth grade so I can relate to Heather. 

Our children and teachers are being pushed to only focus on standardized testing, and not on learning what should be taught.  There are certain weeks out of the school year that all other subjects in school are put on hold so the kids can gear up for the TASK test.  A test that is basically a competition to see where the school places in the district and state.  I think this could be eliminated if we could just focus on educating our children on the curriculum for their grade level and not a standardized test
I’m happy to know that I’m not the only parent that is not happy with the “No Child Left behind Act”.  I hope that this will change in the future for my son’s sake.  It is a ridiculous test and adds too much stress on children.  They are children, let them one!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

The End of Oil Subsideis???

Ryan Endorses Ending Oil Subsideis.
By Alex Altman

I read an article about the possibility of ending oil subsidies, and found it to be very interesting.  Finally someone is trying to do something about the never ending rise in gas prices.  Ryan mentions curbing subsidies to agribusiness, energy companies and financial-service companies as examples of breaks Congress should repeal.  The House passed the FY 2012 budget resolution that that a part of the overall corporate tax reform, tax loopholes, and deductions for corporations should be scaled back. That would also include oil companies.  Ryan is aware of the rising gas prices, the concern for tax codes, increased energy exploration to address the rise in gas prices and create jobs at home.

It seems like Ryan knows where the U.S. is headed and what should happen to prevent it and keep the citizens happy.  If we start using our own resources that would put people to work that are currently out of jobs collecting unemployment, if their lucky.  Gas prices would stop rising as much daily.  Let’s think about this for a minute, this affects all of us.  Most citizens are happy to have a job right now, with all of the companies cutting cost such as layoffs, hiring freezes, and no pay increase for FY 2012.  The cost of living is continuously going up, groceries, electric bills and oh yeah gas prices.  When you have two incomes, you pay your bills, buy only the groceries you have to have and then fill up at the tank that’s it.  Pretty soon you will not be able to afford to put gas in your car to drive to work.  Something needs to give, what does the Government want us to do????  Fail??  It seems like that.  I think that Ryan has a good approach on getting the U.S. back on their feet so we can at least feel like we are climbing out of a hole instead of digging our selves deeper every day.  I would strongly suggest reading the article below and following the story, I know I will!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Commentary on a Colleague's work

I recently read a post by Ed Galvis titled "No child left behind, Hopefully". 

I strongly agree with his views on Obama's recent town hall meeting about education.  I think that there is too much emphasis on standard testing for the children and teachers.  There is a lot of time spent on both ends to ensure that the school (teachers, and students) meet certain requirements.  I have a 10 year old son that is required to take the TASK test every year and see the stress it causes. Teachers have to prepare lesson plans that prepare students for the TASK test and the required curriculum.  My son makes the A B honor roll and is on the level that he needs to be on in the 4th grade and enjoys going to school.  When the TASK test is coming up he gets sick to his stomach and worries about making the right grade on the test.  This is sad to see my son go through.  He is just a child, he should not have to be so stressed out and worried about a test that can effect him going on to his next grade level.  I do think that there should be testing done to make sure students are learning and are on track with the rest of their peers, but minus the stress.

I also agree with Ed on what the over all big picture will be.  How do the Democrats intend on improving education by lowering standards and testing only every few years.  Wouldn't this mean that kids will fall through the cracks and be left behind????

Friday, April 1, 2011

The war in Libya

The United States is currently the back seat drivers in the war with Libya.  The president is trying to figure out if this is worthy of our money and arms.  Should the United States take a more active role?  The United States has always taken the lead on war, and now is hesitant on letting someone else take the lead.  This leads to uncertainty and not having control over the war as we do in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Is this the best for us right now? 

The Iraq and Afghanistan war has already cost the United States $704 billion dollars and there have been 104,924 casualties.  The United States is already 1$14 trillion dollars in national debt, we are in a recession, we are at our all time high of unemployment, homes are reclosed, and if you are lucky to have a job right now, most businesses are not giving pay increases.  Oh, did I mention that gas prices keep rising daily?  The United States is in enough debt right now and taking the lead, by spending more money and having more soldiers killed this does not make any since.  I’m a little more at ease that we are not driving our country in another war; instead we are in the back seat still cautious of where this latest ride will take us. 

I understand that the United States needs to protect ourselves and our citizens and not stand down to threats.  At least this time it will cost the Country as much money or heart ache by loosing soldiers in the process.  I guess we will just have to wait and see where this takes us since it changes from day to day.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The F word: Philanthro-Feudalisim is the future!

The F word: Philanthro-Feudalisim is the future! By Laura Flanders 3/9/11

I read a blog post written by Laura Flanders that is comparing China to the United States.

A comparison on China’s five-year plan focuses on lowering inequality, investing in railroads, highways, hospitals and expanding domestic demand through income subsidies.  The writer stated that “those old works Chinese just don’t seem to get it, that the modern way is the American way: deregulate, concentrate wealth in the top 1% and them make sure those at the top don’t pay taxes”.  She also talks about how the rich will fund desperately-need things like cancer research, as long as the Institute is names after them.  The writer ends the blog with stating that China has a lot to learn, and suggest “let’s give ‘em our thanks for still buying our bonds – and taking all those jobs off our hands”.  She also suggests that names matter.  “The poor aren’t eating so much these days in the US, but don’t call them peasants.  They don’t like that.  Here we call them consumers”.

What I got from this blog post was that China wants a new economic plan and the writer compares the United States economy to China.  She knocks China and the United states, and gives kudos at the same time.  She was stating both positive and negative facts about both.  The writer talks about how the United States basically has rich or poor economy and blames China for taking jobs away from the United States which I agree with.  Either you are rich or poor in the United States; there is no longer a middle class group.  Most products that we purchase are made in China.  So we are basically helping fund the economy of China. 
The writer gave good comparisons to support her argument.  She stated facts and kept it informative and short to where she did not ramble, or get off topic.  I found it to be a good read and wanted to share it. 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Flimflammery over “Obamacare” by Michael Kinsley

I read an article that I saw on about a person’s view on the Obama Healthcare plan.  I think that the Arthur of this article was looking at the Obama Healthcare plan from both democratic and republican sides.  He also has done research on the topic and is continuing to follow the progress.  Here is an over view of what Michael Kinsley wrote on the Obama Healthcare plan.

From the republican checklist of what’s wrong with Obama care: after computing the cost compare six years of expenses with ten years of revenues.  Since most of the important benefits don’t kick in until 2014, the health reform program has an extra four years (2010-2014) to collect money before it has to start paying out.  After the first ten years is up (government costs and revenues are usually reported over ten year periods), and every years income is compared with every year’s outgo.  The Obamacare will actually reduce costs and save the government over ten years.  Apparently the accounting is phony, the democrats are giving themselves a four year head start.  Since the new revenues from health care reform are inextricably tied in with the costs- penalties for not carrying insurance and so on.  If it’s not required that everybody carry insurance there can’t be a penalty for not carrying it, can there?  If you go to the Congressional Budget Office documents, you see that the CBO estimates that the revenue from penalties on corporations and individuals for not carrying insurance is exactly $0 for the first four years.  Total revenues from all sources for the first four years are $32 billion, out of a total for the first decade of $525 billion.  To be sure, that democrats have their own flimflammery.  Like most government programs, especially entitlement programs, it’s a good bet that this will cost more than anybody’s current estimate.  The CBO has said that Obamacare will actually save the government money (that is reducing the deficit) over its first ten years.  It’s about honesty.

I would have to agree with Michael on his view of the Obama Healthcare plan.  He is looking at the plan from both political parties.  There should be a balance and fairness between the two.  I enjoyed reading the article, and I hope you do as well.  I liked looking at a large topic that will affect the United States for years to come through someone else eyes and thoughts.  This just gave me a new prospective on the Obama Healthcare plan, and has made me more interested in following the process. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

U.S., Mexico police unite to fight border crime

I currently read an article that was in posted on USA Today, by Dennis Wagner that I thought was interesting and worth sharing. 

A joint operation between the U.S. Border Patrol, Mexican federal police and about 60 U.S. state federal, tribal and local police agencies had have great success.  The benefits of this has been making drug seizures and arresting undocumented immigrants.  There have been arrest of 270,00 illegal border crossers, seizure of 1.6 million pounds of marijuana and the recovery of $13 million in cash.  These efforts will also go to help the flow of illegal immigrants and drug smugglers in Arizona. 

With the collaboration of the Mexican President Felipe Calderon and the U.S. President Barack Obama they are sharing the responsibility to fight the smuggling cartels on the border.  This means that the cartels and smugglers will find it more difficult to cross the border.  Although this effort is helping the problem at the moment more needs to be done to reduce the drug consumption.  The border is still overrun with violence and is out of control, both Mexico and the United States are willing to work together to reduce and stop the problem.  There is training and on going communication to stranghten the fight against this war.

I found this article to be a breath of fresh air and found some hope.  For two countries could come together and fight a large, deadly issue.  There are lives lost, drugs sold to our children, people stolen every day that should happen.  I know that there is bad in the world but enough is enough.  It is no longer safe to cross the border or be any where close to it because of all of the crime and drug cartel.  You should feel safe in your country and to a visiting country. When it is no longer safe to take a family vacation to a beautiful country something needs to change and change now.  Innocent Men, Women, and children have lost their lives for drugs, and money.

I will keep following the progress that is going on with the U.S. and Mexico to end this unnecessary war.  I hope that you too will read this article and follow the progress.