Friday, April 15, 2011

Commentary on a Colleague's work

I recently read a post by Ed Galvis titled "No child left behind, Hopefully". 

I strongly agree with his views on Obama's recent town hall meeting about education.  I think that there is too much emphasis on standard testing for the children and teachers.  There is a lot of time spent on both ends to ensure that the school (teachers, and students) meet certain requirements.  I have a 10 year old son that is required to take the TASK test every year and see the stress it causes. Teachers have to prepare lesson plans that prepare students for the TASK test and the required curriculum.  My son makes the A B honor roll and is on the level that he needs to be on in the 4th grade and enjoys going to school.  When the TASK test is coming up he gets sick to his stomach and worries about making the right grade on the test.  This is sad to see my son go through.  He is just a child, he should not have to be so stressed out and worried about a test that can effect him going on to his next grade level.  I do think that there should be testing done to make sure students are learning and are on track with the rest of their peers, but minus the stress.

I also agree with Ed on what the over all big picture will be.  How do the Democrats intend on improving education by lowering standards and testing only every few years.  Wouldn't this mean that kids will fall through the cracks and be left behind????

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